Create your language lab with Canvas - Mexico
Wednesday, September 14, 2022, On-Demand
Creation of a laboratory to practice the different language skills. Written comprehension, oral comprehension, written expression and oral expression, as well as grammar and phonetics. By means of modules, the laboratory is created so that the student can work asynchronously or synchronously. Each module contains a web page and from it, quiz, forum, task, external tool or external url are created. So that the same topic is treated, seen in different ways to help the learner to practice, memorize and self-evaluate.

Perla Idalia Albarrán Dagieu
World Languages Director, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Perla Idalia Albarrán Dagieu
Directora del Departamento de Lenguas Extranjeras, Tecnológico de Monterrey - México

Perla Idalia Albarrán Dagieu
Diretora do departamento de línguas estrangeiras, Tecnológico de Monterrey - México
Finding or Creating Engaging Content, Innovation in Teaching & Learning,
Canvas LMS,
Beginner, Intermediate,
Canvas LMS,
Beginner, Intermediate,