New Tests: Should I stay or should I go? - USA
We will present some success stories from early users of New Quizzes at Cornell. We will also discuss our deployment strategy, how we determine when to recommend migrating to New Quizzes, and how our plans and recommendations have been shaped by the experience of early users of the classic Quizzes tool.

Marina Tokman
Sr. Instructional Technologies Specialist, Center for Teaching Innovation, Cornell University

James Whalley
Instructional Designer, Technical Writer and Trainer, Center for Teaching Innovation, Cornell University

Marina Tokman
Especialista en tecnologías de la enseñanza, Centro de Innovación Docente, Universidad de Cornell

James Whalley
Diseñador Instruccional, Escritor Técnico y Formador", Centro de Innovación Docente, Universidad de Cornell

Marina Tokman
Especialista em tecnologias instrucionais sênior, Centro de Ensino de Inovação, Universidade Cornell

James Whalley
Designer instrucional, redator técnico e formador, Centro de Ensino de Inovação, Universidade Cornell
Canvas LMS,
Beginner, Intermediate,