Boosting motivation and learning through digital badges in Canvas - Mexico
Wednesday, September 14, 2022, On-Demand
Design and implementation of digital badges in Canvas as engagement strategies for students in the contents of the Conscious Leadership in Business Professional course. The student can earn a maximum of five badges throughout the semester and correspond to the five modules of the course. The badges were named as: Beginner, Analyst, Senior, Consultant and Expert and they can acquire them based on their performance in the course, if in the module activities they have an average equal or higher than 85.

Nelly Ramírez
Professor, Tecnológico de Monterrey

Nelly Ramírez
Profesora, Tecnológico de Monterrey - México

Nelly Ramírez
Professora, Tecnológico de Monterrey - México
Higher Education, Innovation in Teaching & Learning, Competency-based Education, Gamification,
Canvas LMS,
Intermediate, Expert,
Canvas LMS,
Intermediate, Expert,