eLumen Insights for Canvas
Thursday, July 14, 2022, 12:50 - 1:10 PM MST
Assessment is changing: no longer is it just about Accreditation, but now also it’s about Equity, Micro-Credentialing, and the Workforce, too. Partnering with Instructure, eLumen has developed the Dandelion initiative to make course-embedded assessment more valuable, more sustainable, and most importantly: Driven by the full range of faculty practices. Come to this session to learn how we are creating an all-encompassing set of assessment tools that will manage outcomes, manage rubrics, and enhance your institution’s data - all within Canvas - to make assessment more effective and meaningful for your institution.

Joel Hernandez
CTO, eLumen
Data & Analytics, Openness (LTI - Integrations - etc), Assessment, Competency-based Education, Faculty Training, Leadership,
Canvas LMS,
Canvas LMS,